Stuff to make you go “hmmm...”

Would your marketing team benefit from a Performance Coach?
Explore how a Performance Coach can transform your marketing team, driving growth and innovation with insights from GlueIQ's Gaston Legorburu.
Is AI a threat to your IP?
Intellectual property protection for advisors and thought leaders is more important than ever. Learn how to safeguard your intellectual currency.
Mastering Magic and Measurement to Waken Wanderlust
Wanderlust sits with guests – not the brand – and seeding and harvesting it requires the perfect alchemy of magic and measurement. Oh, and it doesn’t hurt to have a seasoned guide to get you there.

Need to Grow Faster? Here are 3 sure ways.
Key strategies for rapid business growth with GlueIQ's Joey Wilson and his insights on forensic analysis, performance coaching and integrated advisory services.

Google Algorithm Update 2023: Must-Know Changes Impacting Your Site
Are you up to speed on the latest Google algorithm updates of 2023? Discover the latest SEO changes impacting your website and the next steps to take.

Finding Your Grandma on TikTok
If you were born after the early 90s, what was once the standard in getting to know someone may seem like abbreviated nonsense. Before social media platforms took hold of most of our lives, AOL reigned supreme as the development of the World Wide Web drove the ubiquity of home computers and a meteoric fascination with online communications. Whether via email, instant messaging, or chat rooms, initiating conversation with another typically started this way. “A/S/L” (age/sex/location) was a new-fashioned colloquialism that offered fast facts on someone.

Confront Big QQs with Strong EQ
In his recently released, best-selling memoir Surrender: 40 Songs, One Story, Bono describes the extraordinary talent of each of his U2 bandmates as, among other things, masters of their instruments. Of himself, however, he admits that his giftedness is neither instrumental nor vocal but rather it’s his ability to find the topline melody in anything – songs, random ideas, disparate thoughts, and even in the motivations of adversarial world leaders to help unite them around a common cause.

Power of the Purpose Statement
People find change difficult. Especially when it’s abrupt. Like downloading an update that changes your entire user experience when you just learned to navigate the last one. There’s an old saying “the only constant is change” but we believe that in business, brand purpose is the compass you need to navigate the current, even as it changes.

New York Times Bestseller
A great story stirs something very personal inside us and has the power to make us experience something that makes it memorable. Storyscaping: Stop Creating Ads, Start Creating Worlds helps brands move beyond just telling their brand stories to creating robust, engaging worlds that more effectively resonate with today’s highly connected, digitally enabled, and content-saturated customers.